Friday, September 21, 2007


One of our priorities at CTK is worship. We say that we want to make worship our lifestyle, not just what we do when we come together to sing, teach and pray. But there is no question that what happens when we come together in our worship services sets a tone for the worship we want to see during the week. This means that the worship leaders must be the lead worshippers.

Elijah Tadema, our new Director of Worship at the CTK Burlington Worship Center, recently sat down with the members of the worship team and told them "When we get together for worship practice we are not just going to practice our music, we are going to practice our worship - we are going to practice worshipping." I like that. After dealing with the technical details of the upcoming service (transitions, etc.) the team spends time worshipping together. Elijah understands that skillful worship leading involves both hands and heart. To be tuned up instrumentally, but not tuned up spiritually, is to be half-prepared. Spiritual ends require spiritual means.

To mount an effective attack on the enemy, you must develop both an "air war" and "ground war." The air war is your weekly service; your presentation ministry. The ground war is your small groups; your personal ministry. Your air attack gives cover for your ground attack. Your ground attack retains the advances made from the air (spiritually, things are softened up by preaching, but the ground is won and held in community). Worship Centers lacking a strong air attack (teaching, worship) will have few newcomers. Worship Centers lacking a strong ground attack (small groups) will have poor retention (the revolving door).

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